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Stay Informed: Review Our Health and Safety Manual

At Brenneman Filing Systems in Waterloo, we are continually working on providing a safe workplace for all of our employees. Please see the copy of our current Health and Safety Manual.

Safety Manual/Violence & Harassment Policy

Brenneman Filing Systems Ltd

Date: January 1, 2008 revised April 1, 2011

It is the intent of Brenneman Filing Systems to provide a safe and healthy working environment. It is our sincere desire that each employee leave the site at the end of each day as physically fit and sound as when the work day began. With your assistance, we can achieve our goal of zero injuries.

Emergency Reporting Instructions

In the case of fire, accident or other emergency, use the procedures below:

Assess severity of incident

  1. Call fire, ambulance or police as dictated by the incident
  2. Immediately call the office to advise of incident

General Safety Rules

The possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages and/or drugs (unless prescribed by a physician) are strictly prohibited.

Smoking is permitted if the place of work has a smoking area and is only permitted during scheduled breaks and/or lunch/dinner.

Specific Items


It is important to keep your work area clean and clear from obstacles. Ensure you pick up all debris as work is completed. If you are unsure, please discuss with your supervisor.

Power Tools

If you are using a power tool for the first time, please ensure your supervisor has shown you the proper way of operation. Do not wear jewelry or loose fitting clothing around any power equipment. Disconnect all electrical equipment before making any adjustments. Ensure you have been properly trained on any hand tools you will be using. Ensure all devices are working properly. Inspect cords, joints etc. Make sure all ground cables are in good working order. Report any damaged or unsafe tools immediately to your supervisor.

Hand Tools

Ensure you have been properly trained on any hand tools you will be using. Report any damaged or unsafe tools immediately to your supervisor.

Personal Protective Equipment

While it is important to use common sense, please use the following as a recommended guideline.

Clothing - If clothing becomes torn it should not be worn again. Baggy clothing should be avoided as it can become entangled or caught on installation items.

Hard Hats - These are only required if the site you are working on requires hard hats. If you are performing any overhead work (mezzanines) then hard hats MUST be worn.

Eye Protection - Proper safety glasses must be used with any power tool whether it is electric or battery. Personal glasses are permitted as long as they are considered safety glasses.

Hearing Protection - Use of earplugs is recommended when using all electrical devices such as drills, saws etc. Please use common sense regarding noise level. Pay attention to noise level especially in small/confined spaces.

Hand Protection - Work gloves are available. If working with sharp metal or wood it is required that you wear them.

Foot Protection - It is recommended that proper safety shoes be worn when lifting or moving any items. If safety shoes are a requirement of the site you are working on, they must be worn at all times.

Fall Protection - Ensure all ladders are used as directed on the warning label on the ladder. If you are working over the standard reach of a Class 3 - 8' ladder, proper safety belts etc. must be worn. Please look for proper direction from you supervisor.

Lifting - Use common lifting practices when lifting any object. Have your supervisor instruct you on proper technique if you are uncertain. Any items over 50lbs in weight should be lifted by using either proper equipment (cart, 2 wheeler, pump truck) or assisted with another staff member. If uncertain seek guidance from your supervisor.

Using Assisted Lifting Devices - Using carts, 2 wheelers, pump trucks and/or lift trucks can make any heavy lifting job easier and typically faster. These items should be treated with respect and caution. Make sure you have been properly trained in the use of each of these items. If you are unsure of the proper use of these items ask your supervisor for training before proceeding.

Working in Confined Space - When working on a job site, it is the lead installer's decision whether or not it is necessary to post "restricted" work space signs. The lead installer is responsible to discuss the customer's safety needs with the client's representative. The lead installer is to ensure a safe work area is provided for our staff while providing proper notification of work to the client's staff and their safety.

Hot Work - If grinding of any metal is required, please advise the contact at the site to determine if this will affect any sprinkler/heat sensors within the space. Some companies/customers require a Hot Work permit (see section labeled Responsibilities to Clients). Make sure to ask if this is required.

Working with Chemicals - read MSDS label before using. Follow all safety procedures listed. If unsure, ask your supervisor for direction.

Travelling in Vehicle - Make sure to wear your seatbelt as required by the Ministry of Transportation.

Responsibilities to Clients - Many clients require authorization of certain types of work to be documented and approved prior to our on-site service/install. This can include items such drilling, grinding and working in a confined space. At times you may be required to read and adhere to safety policies and procedures outlined in manuals provided by the customer including proper safety equipment. If you are uncertain of these requirements, please direct your enquires to you immediate supervisor.

AODA Requirements - All employees are to read and understand the "Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. An annual review of these Accessibility Standards is required.

Violence & Harassment Policy

The management of Brenneman Filing Systems Ltd. is committed to providing a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Workplace harassment will not be tolerated from any person in the workplace. Everyone in the workplace must be dedicated to preventing workplace harassment. ALL staff is expected to uphold this policy, and will be held accountable by the employer.

Workplace harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker, in a workplace, that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Harassment may also relate to a form of discrimination as set out in the Ontario Human Rights Code.

This policy is not intended to limit or constrain the reasonable exercise of management functions in the workplace.

Workers are encouraged to report any incidents of workplace harassment to the President. Management will investigate and deal with all concerns, complaints, or incidents of workplace harassment in a timely and fair manner while respecting workers' privacy, to the extent possible.

Nothing in this policy prevents or discourages a worker from filing an application with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal on a matter related to the Ontario Human Rights Code within one year of the last alleged incident. A worker also retains the right to exercise any other legal avenues available.

The workplace violence policy should be consulted whenever there are concerns about violence in the workplace.

Signed: ________________________

It is the intention of Brenneman Filing Systems to continually evolve this safety manual. Therefore we are looking for your input in further improving the safety in our workplace.

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